Lock down loving: Painting Three Large Scale Commissioned Works

Lock down can literally lock us into a more confined space, and us people don’t like to be confined. BUT, there’s always opportunities hidden in the nooks of tougher days. One being that I finally had the time to get lost in the making of three large scale commissioned paintings. And boy, did I love the process of these works. It’s an entirely different feeling than making smaller scale paintings and both have their charm. The struggle, time and material costs of larger works are much bigger, yet the reward when it’s all coming together is truly on another level. I am so grateful of the trust these clients put into me creating a centre-piece for their home. A good piece of art, that feels personal, of which you adore the colours, the shapes and the journey it takes you on can alter your every day. If you’re interested in discovering the piece of art that’s just right for you and your home, do contact me and we’ll brainstorm together.

Sarah Warnaar